PTE scoring scheme is updated. Whats now?

  • The scoring scheme for PTE has been updated but the exam pattern is still the same. PTE scoring and exam format have not been changed.
  • The update has been made to align the PTE score with IELTS.
  • If you already have a valid PTE result then it won’t change and will be valid.
  • Will the new PTE score affect international students and migrants?

All we know PTE is one of the best computer based English language test. Students, worker and migrants (non-english country) have to go through this test to work and study in country where english is the primary language. PTE is not the only english test available. There is IELTS and other tests as well. PTE had a certain scoring scheme from which it used to map with the IELTS score. Now they have changed and updated the scoring scheme to map the PTE score to IELTS.

What has changed?

To get 8 in IELTS you had to score 79 in PTE previously but you need to score 84 now. And to get 7 in IELTS you had to score 65 previously but you have to score 66 now. Here is the full list of old and updated versions of PTE mapping to IELTS.

updated pte score
Image source – pearsonpte

What’s now ? Time to Panic?

No. Not yet. you do not need to be panic about this change as it is only for comparing PTE score with IELTS and PTE requirement for universities and governments has not been changed till now. (But they could review later). Pearson has updated the government partners on the outcomes of their concordance study. It is the decision as to whether they make changes to the score requirements for visa applications.

If you have scored 79 to apply for an Australian skilled migration visa. Will this now change to 84? And is my test result now ineligible?

Well, it depends on the government as they are yet to update their decision on it. Please check with the relevant government department on any changes. Pearsonpte suggests checking with the relevant government department on any changes.

Do you have to take PTE exam again?

Since there are no updates from the government you do not need to retake the exam immediately but in the future things could go wrong. So if you have your targeted score for EOI or University enrollment or anything else, update or apply immediately without wasting your time.

Who will be affected with the updated?

Students and migrants obviously if the government updated the scheme and requirement. If you are applying for PR and you need to get 8 in IELTS, you have to score 84 instead of 79. That means you have to work harder. Similar for the students. You may required to get little more in PTE to meet the equivalency of IELTS.

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