Realizing the value of your loved one after losing them

It must be really nice to go back home after a long day at work or study to find someone waiting for you who loves and adores you. Most of you don’t realize this good fortune until you end up losing it all to passing flings and desires. Wake up before it’s too late or you will end up like me – no one to talk to or share my hardships with, hated by everyone because of bullshit rumors and daily struggle with living inside my head.

Please realize before it’s too late that money, sex, and power are not as important as having someone who cares for you and is there for you. Learn to treasure that feeling.

Life is too short to live in an eternal hell of depression and anxiety-like I do. Outer appearances and good looks fade over time but genuine feelings always stay. This will let you live and feel alive. There is a big difference between living for the sake of staying alive and actually feeling the world around you. Sad thing is that life here for most of us tends to lean towards the former. I do not want anyone’s sympathy or concern as I believe everyone on this page comments just to look and feel good about themselves, but I hope that all of my words do not fall on deaf ears. #thesilentvoice

Male 23, Sydney

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