“KARMA” never forgets nor forgives, it is TIT FOR TAT.


When something is broken, most probably it is choked into the bin, it’s normal. What about in the relationship and in the case of human beings? Most people make their marriage life to 40/50 years untill they breathe their last, how just because when sth goes broken they try to fix it, don leave or discard, keep committed to the person they love.. and more Every1 knows, there are ups and downs in every relationship. Yet if something doesnot go well, why we give it up so easily, why we don’t try to fix it? Is not the emotion/feeling from our heart mind and soul deserves healing, forgiveness, empathy, and acceptance? Why not every1 is committed to the one who loves you unconditionally? Who accepts your every fault as if his/her own, keeps forgiving you, separate time for you despite a hectic schedule, never goes to bed without knowing you or ensuring that you are ok.
That person who tries hard just to see you happy. Why some of us, not all, don’t try to understand that person, his/her every constant effort for us? They do so much for us means don’t we even sense he/she loves us and wanna live the rest of life with us..,? It is not that they not getting anyone, it means they love us over others, they want us, their soul cannot give up on us.

Not always, they may say it to us, yet can’t we even notice and sense it huh? When they share their joy and sorrow with us when they happen to cry in front of us, it means they trust us, it is not that they do a shit drama, is not it?. Despite somebody’s constant hatred, abusive terms, ignorance, yet they keep trying to sort it out, constantly plead to us, ask for help with mutual friends, relatives and all, sounds too miserable, why some of us tend to misunderstand and misbehave and instead of being kind, loveable enough, communicate, sort the matter out together, why we misbehave like a hale and push that person towards anxiety and depression? Don’t WE ever think our little misbehavior could take innocents’ life? Because it is very common, psychologically if somebody is depressed to the hale, nobody can guarantee.

Everyone knows we are aware too we see, we find new faces, so-called defined beautiful faces, personality people every day, and scientifically it is so normal to get attractions however it is a human being, it is life, not the shoes that you like to buy, use and throw when you are fed up.
BACK TO THE POINT; “KARMA” never forgets nor forgives, it is TIT FOR TAT. Yet why some of us knowingly play with the feelings and respect of others, why we are pretending to be blind and deaf towards somebody’s constant efforts for us? Why we yet tend to take somebody for granted thinking that “I can get anyone anytime I want, just you think, and are overconfident you are handsome/beautiful, rich and sth bullshit”??? Yet why we don’t empathize the next person could be serious with us, everything they did and keep doing for us is their love for us, their commitment *Just Maya*
Despite all, we still tend to cheat, deceive, lie, betray, and take advantage. why??? For what???
Some of us behave as if we don’t have to die one day!!!!!!!!
Let’s pause for a sec, think, imagine how we feel if exactly what we’ve been doing wrong to sb, the same thing happens with our own biological brother or sister? Can anyone of US TOLERATE if our brotheR in law cheats and abuse our sister or vice versa??????? Can we see our own in pain and sufferings because of somebody else without having done any freaking guilt?????? I BELIEVE GOD IS LISTENING AND WATCHING AND WILL DEFINITELY BACK YOUR FREAKING KARMA TO YOU..mind it..
My message out here to my dear friends, brothers, and sisters is “ever never go to knock sb’s life just in the name to flirt, have temporary fun and in the name of freaking time pass please because one never knows what next does hold for you.
If you want to have fun, go to YouTube, listen to music, comedy, movie, do watch a motivational video, play games, and so on..never go to play to the feeling of human beings, RESPECT LIFE, RESPECT FELLOW BEINGS…
LIVE, AND LOVE TO THE FULLEST today tomorrow is not promised..and see how the world is living in fear of this pandemic Covid-19, which we never dreamt OF nor imagined.👍🙏❤🇦🇺


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