To the girl, he’ll date after me


When I think of you, I really don’t get flushed with any particular emotion except for sorrow. Because I’ve actually reached the point where I have to write this, which never in my worst nightmares had I imagined. And inadvertently, it’s all my fault. So my only advice for you is not to repeat my mistakes.

Love him with all your might because a love like this comes once in a lifetime. I’ve lost my chance, you have it now. Try to understand when he’s upset and comfort him instead of focussing on winning the argument. It’s okay to lose sometimes. Listen to him when he tells you about his dreams and ambitions; the places he’ll travel to. Because in his eyes at this time, you’ll see a child. The child that’s locked in somewhere inside him. The child only lets loose in front of a rare few. And this child will make you fall in love all over again.


He’s not the guy he shows to the world. He’s way more than that. Yes, he’s reserved and opens up to only a few. So if he does to you, consider yourself lucky, because I wasn’t. He might not be into PDA much, but he’s a great lover. Your schedules may or may not match, but don’t let his busyness fool you for lack of love. Sure you might feel sad at times but understand that he’s building a future for both of you, for him to keep you as his queen. And believe me when I say he’s hurt more than you when he’s unable to spend some time. He wants to, but circumstances get in the way.

May you never have to land in my shoes. May you both get all the happiness in the world and, to be honest, with him by your side, you already have it. I hope whenever I hear about you, all I feel is happiness; feel happy for him to have found someone he can confide in and for you for receiving the best form of love any girl could ever get. Please take care of my treasure which is in your hands now. Sincerely, Someone who can’t tell you how lucky you are.

|| Yours S ||
Female 24

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