Love, Breakup, Marriage, Divorce. Decisions in Relationship

relationship in aus

The story begins back in October 2015 just 4/5 months before my marriage. I met a guy (different than I got married to) who was good looking, smart, and intelligent. I got an opportunity to work with him for a few weeks. At the age of 25, I was just starting my career and he had already established himself as a professional. I regret why I meet him late in my life. During those weeks we were together for more than 8 hr a day. On one hand, a different kind of feeling was developing in me for him and on the other hand, talks about my marriage (arrange) were going on. Those weeks went by and we were still in contact with each other. I was not sure about him because we were known just for weeks, so I could not say anything about him to my parents. Though marriage arrangements were going on but were not finalized. I dated him for a few months and we had physical relationships as well. That night with him was memorable for me in many senses.

Then randomly, a decision came from my family that I have to get married to a guy my family has arranged to and he is from Australia. For a few days, my mind could not work. Everything was hurriedly done. Within the next 15 days, I was married to the next guy. I had no idea who to do. I accepted that but I had once questioned about such a hurry to my parents. The guy’s parents told us that he had very few days of holidays and he had to return early. Within days of marriage, he returned to Australia, and he started my documentation for Australia. Marriage was a shock for me but still, I managed to control myself and did not contact the next guy.

In the next 4 months, I moved to Australia. Later, I came to know that the guy moved to the US for his Masters. Early days were going well, my husband took good care of me. Starting days were tough and were not Easy. Though my husband had a decent job he rarely supported me. Just he was with me as roommate nothing more. Again I really missed the guy/him, so started to be in touch with him. He had always been supportive of me to join college. I started my job there and joined college. I joined the master and really struggled to complete it. As days were passing on I realized my husband was having an affair and she was not other than his ex-girlfriend. And he started abusing me physically and mentally.

I realized that the marriage with me was just to show his ex that he can get married to if he wants. I was shocked. By hard struggles, I managed to complete my masters and an imminent role was played by the guy in the US. Though he was in the US and doing his masters, he managed to help me in my assignment and even sent me money to support my fee payment. He supported me in all ways he could to keep myself mentally and emotionally high. Though he had scholarships and didn’t need to work. He worked during summer to save money for me. I was thinking about my relationship with my husband was not going well. In June 2018, I traveled to Nepal with my then-husband. I was attending my brother’s wedding and my husband was there for something else. He asked for divorce as I reached Nepal and that was not surprising for me. That’s why he had arranged 1 month of holidays. I told my struggling days in Australia to my parents and his recent demand for divorce and its causes. They suggested me to think critically and decision. I asked them for a few days to think and I want to do it all alone. I want to spend few time alone.

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My parent suggested me to go somewhere peaceful place and think about it. I contacted the guy in the US and asked if he knew any lawyer because I don’t want it to be done by someone I know. Luckily or unlucky, I don’t know what to say, he was there in Kathmandu because his father had some health issues and he was in Kathmandu for 25 days. I called him and told him everything I was going through and I told him my decision to get a divorce. Then I asked for a few days from him for me till I get divorced. He managed it for me. We spent 5 days together. In such hard times and the time allocated for his family, he arranged for me those days. That 5 days were memorable for me. I still remember each and every moment I spent with him. Those days eased my divorce process. After that, I returned to Australia and applied for a job got a decent one, made a good sum of money and returned to the US, and started his Ph.D. In a month I realized I was pregnant and I had a child from him but I didn’t tell him. When my former in-laws knew I was pregnant they called me. I indirectly told them the brutal truth that the child is not their grandchild. I didn’t tell anyone about our relationship.

My friends in Australia and parents supported me in all ways they could to bring the child and take care of the newly born baby boy. For months, I thought of those two men in my life. One who gave me everything that I don’t want to remember throughout my life and the other who gave me innumerable memories, support, and a reason to live, a baby boy. If he had not supported me during my struggling days with all means he could, I might have committed suicide. Sometimes a bad moment brings best in you. I always regretted I cheated me to be husband but my regret never worth it. Now, I have a reason to live and a destination to meet. Life is the best way to find a reason to live and I found mine.

Female 29

Not to be Missed: She gathered all the memories of him and grasped them tightly in her tinny little fist – Confession

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