Bundesliga is back. Will other sports will come back to action?

  • German Bundesliga is back in action today.
  • It is the first European league to resume its camping after this corona virus outbreaking.
  • Borussia Dortmund and Schalke will face each other in first match.

All the sporting world is sleeping now due to this corona virus pandemic. Football games were also out of action because of this. Its was one of the main reason why corona virus badly affected the European countries. Big games, big stadium, heaps of mass and more which was the perfect environment for virus to spread. So the governing bodies stopped the tournament in between. The German league was shut down nearly two months along with other European leagues.

Its back today in the pitch. Many football fans are more than happy as they got something they like to enjoy in this lock down. But, may people are still opposing the idea of resuming the league in Germany. Many people believes that will be the cause of virus outbreak again in the European nations.

However, the game wont be the same as previous. The game will be played behind the bars with no fans. Only 300 essential staffs and officials will be allowed in the stadium. There will be no children, no handshaking or touching in tunnel, no any contact with referee and other players before the match. Players have told to not to celebrate in group or touch each others. Substitute players and other staffs have to wear mask and no one is allowed to spit openly as well.

Will other sports be back ?

German football is back and other major league are also planning to come back from this shut down. But what about other sports? Will they able to come back from the pandemic situation? Is it the beginning of normal days? We do not know yet. Some countries are doing really well to stop the spread of this virus but there is still some risk. With out proper prevention and security measure, bringing back all the other sport with its fan will be like suicide.


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