Naked Aussie gardener went viral on Social media.

– Queensland based gardener went viral in Facebook after uploading the naked images with his partner.
– Their post has been shared more than 124k times till now.
– Couple getting invitations interviews from various groups.

Shopping malls, schools, shops, pubs and ever public attraction venues are closed. Big events has been cancelled out for this years. Thousands of people lost their job and millions people are affected by this corona virus pandemic. People are locked down inside their house and its been more than one and half months. What would be the best idea to kill the time in this situation?

Netflix, social media and stuffs, sleep, try new recipes, that’s all good but until when? So a couple from Cairns, Queensland got some new idea to kill this boring time in lock down. The couple came out of the house to do some gardening stuff and clicked some creative photos which was enough to get the attention of thousands of people. Wil kemp posted the images in social media platform Facebook with Melanie (His wife). After few hours, this naked Aussie couple went viral in social media. Their post was shared more than one hundred twenty thousands time till now. You can see some of the funny yet creative pictures of this couple below.

He wrote “CRIKEY MEL! Look at the size of this snake!!”
Pretending like wil is pooping WORMS
Cold water from hose? You mean penis ?

How was the respond after the post?

After 48 hours of the post in Facebook Wil made the another post saying he was shocked with the public response of the post naked gardening. While explaining about his experience and public review he said that he was getting lots of support and love from the people in social platform. People were really happy to see such a nice couple who loves each other and still managed to have fun in this shitty time.

We are so happy that we could give you a laugh and brighten up your day. – WIl Kemp

He said that he is overwhelmed by lots of messages and responses after the post and he is trying to reply and respond as much as possible. The naked Aussie gardener couple also received some pad comments for their post and they responded it on the same way.

Trnaa comin out from the leaves?

The undressed Australian gardener couple also received a lots of invitations to naked groups and interviews. People also appreciated the confidence and beauty of Melanie. Overall the couple are so happy with the respond and love people are showing toward them. A round of a applause to this naked Aussie gardener couple.

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Here is the post from Wil after reviewing the responds from the public

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